Friday, December 17, 2004

Pay The Price (poem of anger)

This was how it went... was kindda in a bad mood, so i thought, just fantasize a guy and then suddenly, i just got the inspiration to write this. Enjoy!

When nothing touches the ground,
You’re standing right there like no one cares,
You should have been given the crown,
But you had the emotions that no one has.

This was the first lesson I’ve learnt,
Never to walk in the shoes of a stranger,
Now the memories just burn,
Days gone by and things got weirder and weirder.

So what if you do not have a single clue,
About the days that I am going through,
Not like you care so much about asking,
You left me here just sinking.

How deep can it hurt?
Tomorrow is a brand new day for me,
Now, where should I start?
You know well that nothing comes for free.

Pay the price and be gone with it,
I wouldn’t want you to stay to break my heart,
There is nothing in my dairy left for you to read,
Just a broken heart that needs mending,
And now, I shall keep the doors shut.

The seasons are gone for long,
I’m back here keeping my head up high,
I'm now here to prove everything you said were wrong,
Haven’t you regretted for the things you’ve said to me before?

Pay the price and be gone with it,
There is nothing yet to loose for another day,
Pay the price, so to speak,
Tomorrow comes and you’ll be gone with the wind!

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