Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I’ve been reading a book written by Xinran on the women of China and couldn’t stop thinking of how many other hidden voices are there in the world today. There are women being abused each and everyday without anyone noticing. Even though one may notice of the continuous abuse, but can one step up to report the incident? Rapes and abusive stories had been circulated through out the media everyday and nothing is done to prevent these from happening as, first of all, the government could not control the entire population in a country and secondly, no one actually dares, not even me, to step up and bravely report the incidences of abuse in the neighbourhood.

I was just flipping through the Time magazine one night and an article caught my attention all of a sudden. The article entitled ‘Fighting Feudalism’ caught my very attention. I read it through and a feeling of disgust just lingered in my heart. My heart cried out to the women in rural areas of Pakistan where, until today, believe in tribal punishment or tribal justice. I just couldn’t understand why, until today, men still uses their ‘reproductive system’ (scientifically speaking) on women in order to show their supremacy. In the days of war, rape was not seen as an activity to satisfy one’s sexual pleasures or lust, but it was a tool to show once victory over another’s land and even a way to strip off an honour of a women as well as declaring victory over the community’s enemy. Women were seen as a weak-link, as men were seen to be superior right up till today.

A little inside on how the tribal justice is done in the rural areas of Pakistan

One may say it’s disgusting or inhumane to one so fragile and vulnerable, but the fact is, these things are still going on around the world and again, they remained hidden. For instance, tragedy in a household where mother-in-laws burnt their daughter-in-laws to death because found looking or speaking to other men besides the husband in Bangladesh. Repetitive stories on rape in a household or by a close one are always circulated in newspapers. What is the world coming at today?

Back to my point, women were dehumanized in Pakistan just because an offensive act was done to another person of another household. Taking a narrative from the article, Mudassan and Mumtaz were raped because one of their family members “dishonoured” another villager. The penalty for the dishonoring caused to another villager will be that women of the offender’s family will be raped by the men of the household who were offended. I don’t see justice in this, rather, I see inhumane and uncivilized beast roaming central Pakistan. Only one woman, Mai, who was brave enough to step up to protest against the inhumane activity, others chose to remain quite because they do not want to offend the village council. Like men, women have pride and honour; and like men, women are supposed to be guarded in a country.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

To faithful readers of mine,

Seriously sorry for not updating my blog cause i've been busy with assignments as well as presentations. Well even though i'm not busy with these things... i'm just being plain lazy and ran out of words to say on my blog. I wish all of you the best of health and hopefully i get to write more entries in time to come.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


From a thousand miles I heard a scream,
A scream that shaken the world from within.
The shadow rises, the sea roared with hunger,
What's happening now as life's distorted?

No one seem to be able to answer me,
Times I've spent analysing this basic theme,
Times I've spent focusing on what's worth,
Now ages seem so far away,
Civilization has its price to pay.

What's there more for us to know?
People are drowning as no one wants to float.
History has been repeating itself from the beginning,
Judgment day's here, where will they be hiding?

Pieces of wood feel into the depths of the ocean,
Sets the earth rumbling in a pathetic notion.
I saw civilization staring at non-existence,
History and civilization were just mere cousins.

Say goodbye to the day of untold tales,
Embrace the world of what seems to be real,
Live life to the fullest with no hesitation,
As you'll never know what's next that gets you going.